Into the Chrysalis

I don't think there's anything better than watching someone light up with joy. Whether it's a client seeing a completed tattoo for the first time or watching people light up over the crocheted little cuties I make. 

The expression of joy that comes over them is highly contagious. Maybe I'm a bit selfish but in both my businesses that is one of my many favorite moments (that and putting eyeballs on my little creations). It makes me want to create more and more. 

Creating is a massive resource for me, when life throws those curve balls. It's a lot like breathing. 

I'm finding the passion to create this season is tremendous. SO much so that I wonder if I'm dissociating a bit. 

I've been working with my shadow. Allowing myself to feel hard emotions and letting them fuel my creativity. But I feel that I'm not fully letting myself express them artistically. There's truths that I've uncovered in me that once on paper will solidify their existence. They don't define me, but they will be staring at me to reflect upon and let go of. 

 So I'm going to aggressively let the paint bleed from me onto the canvas. It's been awhile but I think it's time. Time to crawl into the chrysalis of my shadow and evolve. 

I mean what else is winter for...
