Embracing Uncertainty

I usually have a sense of something happening further in the future. I wouldn't say it's a full on future telling gig, just seeing a continuation of movement, life, activity. It's kinda like a pattern, the ebb and flow of life. 

I can't see the pattern right now. I'm living in that moment-to-moment gauge.

It's not a stand still, art is still happening. Getting ready to ship art to London here soon for an art fair. I go to the hospital this week to support a Birther. Life is moving, but it feels tense. Like a rubberband that's at the peak of it's stretch, like an old school catapult. 

Barbara Striesand's rendition of "Somethings Coming" feels like it should be inserted here. It's not a bad something. It feels like a fork in the road, or a big detour. 

The looming fires aren't helping.

 I can't jump to any conclusions of what it may be. I just need to be observant and self aware. At least that's what I get out of my journeying to that safe place within. The Mentors give me that sense of stillness being necessary until the labryinth changes, until realization occurs, or something unfolds....or slaps me in the face (my words not theirs). Or all of thee above. 

I keep reaching past that border line between this weird energy of waiting and receiving. Trying to grab hold to a hint of what it is that's making it's way to me. Guess I'll have to see what unfolds.

Maybe it's something within. Maybe it's time for some introspection with Tarot and some good old Druid Magick.

All my Love,

Athilea E. Lucem
