False Evidence Appearing Real

Remember to pause, and evaluate.

It's something I do often. I'm not of the theory that emotions can be prevented. They happen. Sometimes it's amazing and other times its not. 

The more I unravel old parental programming the less scary life is. Pausing helps.

I wonder why fear is held so tightly to these days? More old programming? Generational trauma? It makes people stagnant. Some say it is the fear of the death of self, complete annihilation. Maybe. I've watched people go through the process of shutting down. Hollywood perverts it completely, much like it does birth. 

We're fed everyday the "what ifs", the "shoulds", and all the fucking "don'ts". Fuck that. I can't live like that. 

When I want to do something I leap. Now this is'nt to say that I never procrastinate. What is procrastination? It's either the need for a break or, Dun dun da da....FEAR.

Our society has grown in such a way that toxic critisism is almost sought after. People want to belong, want to be seen, and while it's important, it crosses the line when your self worth depends on it. The dopamine when someone pays you a compliment is like feeling love for the first time. It's intoxicating, especially for those that weren't taught how to love themselves. 

The only one in charge of my mental health is me. That's not to say I dont seek help. I get help, but I consult people who don't have a vested interest in my groveling at their feet. 

It's simple, but fucking difficult. This toxic critisism is what our schools are based on, a system of grading regurgitation and who can do it the best. The best thing anyone can do for themselves is to just do the damn thing they want to do. No asking how, that takes to much time, all you have to do is decide and act. Don't worry it won't kill ya..........well, depending on what "it" is. 

So what I'm saying in my sleepy state is this, pause and evaluate e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Then go out and live. And then repeat.
