Home...what is it exactly?

 Where is it....this home? Not in Kelowna, I know that. Not within this societies constructs of choices. In the desert maybe. I do love the heat. Somewhere close to the ocean? I love the ocean, quite abandoned ones anyway. They say home is where the heart is, sounds less physical and more internal.

    This is my question for my guides for the day. Where is that spot? That one spot where you find comfort in the elements? Where you let your soul rest. 

    It's not that I'm not grateful for where I'm at. I'm just getting uncomfortable with the lies of this society. The more bullshit I see through, the more I feel the need to align with what feels right. This shit doesn't feel right. I don't want complete comfort. I don't want a million dollars. I don't want the best car. I don't want designer clothes. I don't want a lot of gadgets. I don't want convenience that turns into a crutch, that then dictates my life, emotions, and actions. I don't want to always be super happy. I don't want to always be afraid.

    I want freedom. I want to farm. I want to go to the lake and sing all day if I want to. I want to dance traditionally on mountain tops, I wanna make medicine. I want to listen to the elders and help when I can. I want to be the village tia that is surrounded by not just my kids but others that need that one person in their life they may not have. I want to bake. I want to build my own home out of clay with my own two hands. I want to be a village midwife. I want to grow old. I want to be an elder. And when I transition out of form I want to transition knowing that I lived that truth as best as I could. That piece of truth of who I am in this human form, as of course we are more than just this form. I want to live being the perpetuator of the concept of living in harmony with Mother Earth. A person of the sun whose heart burns with passion like the sun, and doesn't live within the false bullshit limits they sell to us. 

    The possibilities are endless, all existing within, happening at the same time. Just got to pluck it from within the heart and bring it into the light. Create it. But, where? That's the question. 

Athilea Etla Lucem

Post Script: The next blog is a short story about this concept. I would've posted it here but holy hell that would be a long blog. Enjoy. 
